Gadar 2 Review: Film Story | Facts & Details | Film Summary

This is possible only because Sunny Deol and his latest movie ‘Gadar 2‘ have been released in theatres. Part 1 was released in 2001, I was 4 years old then, so I regret not seeing that movie in the theater. And I also regret that I saw part 2 in the theater. But if you have no idea about the movie, because you haven’t seen the first part of Ghataar, then go and watch it, it’s a great movie.

And then stop, because the story of Ghataar 2 continues from where the first part of the film ends. But the quality with which it was built was not worthy of it. To be honest, I liked the way Ghatar 2 started. First, the villain is set up, his motivations are explained, why he hates Tara Singh and her family, and what he has done.

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Then we jump to 1971 when the story is set, and we are shown the daily life of Tara Singh and her family. How his son wants to quit his studies and become a hero. The father beats him. There is a bit of fun in the father beating, but then the film takes a big turn.

gadar 2 review

For whom you are going to watch this movie, they are set aside. And the main story centers on Tara Singh’s son Jeeta, played by the guy, who is also the son of the film’s director. (1:23) But before you start throwing N1, the child actor in Part 1 is the same.

So in this new film, no matter how much the focus is on them, that’s when things go right. So they don’t complain. Because there is a scene in the first half where he has to have such a serious dialogue, that look into my eyes, what else do you see but the truth? At that time I burst out laughing. And I said gently, that Vijaydevar Gonda is cheap.

Still, to give the film a chance, we try to understand why so much attention is paid to the son. Because of the father’s journey in Part 1, we have to show a slightly modified version of it from the son’s side. How does he go about this whole journey? Obviously in Pakistan.

I’m not giving away spoilers because I told you in the trailer. But why he goes, I will not tell you. Because I care about you and you care about subscribing to me. Son does whatever he does. Until he leaves home and reaches Pakistan, until he tries to fulfill his purpose there, a dedicated film could have been made on top of it all. Yes, because he wants so much. But he tried to cut something so big, so important, so serious, and fit it into only one half.

There is no logic, no reason, and it is not interesting. And to give a hint, throughout the story, this side-mission is not that important. Once Sunny Paaji disappears from the film, the entire film starts to drag. And how important they are to this entire franchise, how important they are to this entire story.

A very famous dialogue from Part 1 in which the son tries to scream from within. And it turns into a comedy. Then the very next second, as Tara Singh screams, the difference in their abilities is very, very clear.

gadar 2 review

And there are only two reactions to this. This is how to laugh. And the other is to cry like this. He also has many famous dialogues, which I have published here, he speaks. Life without children becomes very boring. Tears are flowing. Tried to say it in a sad tone, but the face is like that.

I don’t know what. Before we talk about the process, I’d like to focus on one more thing. Automatic dialogue replacement. If this sounds complicated, it’s not at all. When shooting a movie, the audio that they record on set is often not clear, or not that difficult.

In the studio, again in front of the mic, repeat the same dialogue. These new dialog scopers, then create multiple effects, they try to fit within the scene. Like if someone is speaking in a room, they will add a little echo.

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Now my theater may have a problem, but with a lot of the dialogue in the movie, I felt like I had to act on it. Recording in the studio booth, I felt that way. And why is it important? Because instead of natural audio, if you suddenly hear such audio, notice the difference.

If we talk about action, a single scene in the entire film, which is such a money-making slapstick, hand-me-down, and whoever thought of it, bro, amazing. And why is it important? Because instead of natural audio, if you suddenly hear such audio, notice the difference.

If we talk about action, a single scene in the entire film, which is such a money-making slapstick, hand-me-down, and whoever thought of it, bro, amazing. He uses it so brilliantly. The whole movie, and the action of the whole movie on one hand, and that hand pump scene on one hand.

Seeing this, people who are screaming, in the theater, what can I say? But as far as action is concerned, to appreciate it, it ends here. Or edited so badly, that I don’t understand anything.

Also, one thing we see is how much the quality of the goods has improved. But in all other aspects, how lacking. In the first film, the scene with Ashraf Ali, in which he says, Long live India.

He looks like a woman, something added in the second film as well. And Sunny Deol’s entry, very good, was commendable. Seeing your son beat up, that’s different. But, in terms of action, in these scenes of both films, although different, we talk about crowd work. Gone, they look reliable.

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What is happening in the second movie, I don’t understand. Even after having better VFX, better cameras, and better technicians, the action of the second part looks worse than before. And if the name of the film was not Gadal 2, if Sunny Deol was not in it, then the rest of the films, Herupathi 2, Rashtrakavachi Om, and Sathyamyu Jeete 2, would have won in their category.

So, if you, in movies, try to find a bit of logic, don’t watch it. Oh my god 2, would be a better option for you, but, there is a section of the audience, a very large number, who don’t care about logic, they just want entertainment. And before watching Gadal 2, if you take that mindset, you might get a good movie.

If you want to watch Sunny Deol and his actions, his screams, and his eyes, for half an hour in a 3-hour movie then you can watch Gadal 2. And if you’ve seen it, let us know what you think.

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